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I’m an ex-engineer that’s built, led, cultivated, and grown successful engineering teams all over the globe. I’d like to provide insights, anecdotes, advice, and warnings based on past experience to others that want to grow their careers.

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I’ll post weekly, but the days and times will probably be sporadic =).

But wait, there’s more!

I am to provide not just my insights, but I’d like to include yours via your questions, tweets, posts, etc. Ideally I’d like to set aside time for direct AMA sessions or even direct career or job advice.

And… if you happen to like talking about technology in general, gaming, Japanese culture, or insect macro photography, then we have even more in common!

Subscribe to Engineering --> Leadership

Successfully pivoting from engineering to leadership


Pivoted from engineering --> leadership and love to help others do the same. 20+ years of engineering leadership experience along with building and selling successful businesses.